Northern League

3D Sports


NPCL Championship Rules


2) - The Results

3) - Points

4) - Championship Winners/Promotion/Relegation

5) - Game Format

6) - Minimum Over Rate

7) - Slow Over Rate Penalties

8) - Ground, Weather, Light

9) - Interruptions and Delays

10) - Game Times for Rain Affected Matches

11) - Use of Duckworth Lewis (Standard) in rain affected games

12) - Extreme Weather Conditions

13) - Wides


1 - Fixtures

All games shall be played on the dates published in the fixture list for that season.

Start times are agreed by the NLMC prior to the season and published with the fixture list.

In extraordinary circumstances the NLEC can sanction the move of a fixture to another date, venue or starting time.

2 - The Result

2.1 Matches will be played on a Win/Lose basis, with the team scoring most runs being declared the winner in a completed game.

2.2 A game will be a tie if both teams score the same number of runs.

3 - Points

3.1 - Result Points

Win 9 points plus any bowling points

Loss 0 points plus any bowling points

Tie 5 points each plus any bowling points

Incomplete Game 2 points each plus batting and bowling points provided that the team batting first has received at least 20 overs, or has previously completed its innings.

An uncompleted game where the scores are level will be regarded as a tie.

3.2 - Bonus Points

Batting Points - First Innings

One point for scoring 3 runs per over throughout the whole innings

Two points for scoring 3.5 runs per over throughout the whole innings

Three points for scoring 4 runs per over throughout the whole innings.

An over started counts as a completed over for this calculation.

If an innings is completed inside the allocated overs, the run rate shall be calculated using the final number of overs available in the innings

Batting Points - Second Innings

One point for scoring 70% of 1st innings total

Two points for scoring 80% of 1st innings total

Three points for scoring 90% of 1st innings total

Bowling Points

One point for taking five wickets

Two points for taking seven wickets

Three points for bowling the opposition out irrespective of the number of batsmen available

4 - Championship Winners/Promotion/Relegation

4.1The Club having the highest number of points at the end of the season shall be considered the Champions and they shall be entitled to hold the Championship Trophy for 12 months.

4.2In the event of two or more Clubs tieing at the head of any Division, or for any position affecting promotion, relegation or re-election, the number of games won shall decide or, in the event of a similar record of wins, the net run rate per wicket of each team and its opponents throughout the season shall decide the issue.

5 - Game Format

5.1 Normal Match Times
1st innings 12-30pm - 3.38pm
Tea interval 3-38pm - 4-08pm
2nd innings 4-08pm - 7-16pm.
NB Finishing times may vary (see below - minimum over rate)

5.2 The interval between innings will be 30 minutes

5.3 Length of game: 100 overs with a maximum of50 overs for each team.

If a side batting first has not received its maximum number of overs or if the side batting second has not received its designated number of overs by the time for the end of the innings, play shall continue until they are completed and the bowling side will be liable to 'slow over rate' provisions.

5.4 If a side batting first has not received its maximum number of overs, or if the side batting second has not received its designated number of overs by the time for the end of the innings, play shall continue until they are completed and the bowling side shall be liable to the ‘slow over rate’ provisions.

5.5 In the first innings, a team may not declare their innings closed until a minimum of 75% (rounded up to the next complete over) of their allotted overs have been bowled. (An over started will count as a complete over.).

5.6 There shall be a 30-yard circle and at least 4 fielders must be within that circle at all times.

5.7 Overs Limit: No bowler shall bowl more than 15 overs.

Revised Overs Revised limit/bowler Revised Overs Revised limit/bowler
49-47 15 26-24 8
46-44 14 23-21 7
43-41 13 20-17 6
40-37 12 16-14 5
36-34 11 13-11 4
33-31 10 10-7 3
30-27 9 6-4 2

6 - Minimum Over Rate

6.1 Overs shall be bowled at an overall rate of 17 overs per hour.

6.2 Cessation time. The first innings of an NPCL league fixture shall be of a maximum duration of 50 overs.

The time allowed for this innings shall be 3 hours and 8 minutes.

For an innings starting at 12.30pm, the cessation time shall be 3.38pm.

At the interval between innings the umpires shall calculate the time allowed for the 2nd innings based on: 16 over per hour; 8 overs per 30 minutes; 4 overs per 15 minutes; 2 overs per 8 mins; and 1 over per 4 mins.

6.4 A team bowling a side out before the designated time for the end of the innings shall not be liable to the ‘slow over rate’ provisions.

6.5 At the start of each innings the Umpires MUST inform the captains and the scorers of the number of overs to be bowled and the agreed time for the end of the innings or close of play.

6.6 Umpires shall advise Captains of the over rate at intervals during the innings.

The captain is responsible for the over rate of his side.

6.7 The scoreboard MUST have a display that shows the number of overs bowled in the innings and the over in progress

(a scoreboard that counts down can display the number of overs to completion but a scoreboard that counts up must show the number of overs for the innings separately).

7 - Slow Over Rate Penalties

7.1 Any team who fails to bowl their allocation of overs in the time required or permitted by the umpires on the day shall be penalised 5 runs for every full over not completed.

The batting team are entitled to receive their full allocation of overs.

7.2 Umpires shall report 'slow over' rates on the match card, inform the Captain/Official of the team concerned and also inform the Secretary of the NPCL as soon as possible after the match

8 - Ground, Weather, Light

8.1 The umpires shall judge the fitness of ground, weather and light conditions for play to commence or continue once the game has started.

9 - Interruptions and Delays

9.1 Where conditions of ground, weather or light conditions cause a delayed start and/or interruptions to play in progress, overs shall be deducted from the game at the rate of: 16 over per hour; 8 overs per 30 minutes; 4 overs per 15 minutes; 2 overs per 8 mins; and 1 over per 4 mins.

9.2 Umpires should make every effort to maximise playing time by taking tea during the rain break if convenient.

In this case 10 minutes will be allowed for the interval between innings. The 20 minutes saved shall be used in calculating the remaining overs.

9.3 In the event of rain interfering during the hours of play the whole of the pitch shall be covered.

(Ideally and where possible, adjacent pitches and bowlers’ run-ups will also be covered but this is advisory rather than mandatory.)

10.- Game Times for Rain Affected Matches

10.1 A completed game. To constitute a completed game, each side must receive a minimum of 20 overs unless a team is bowled out or a captain chooses to declare.

10.2 The latest time a game can start (with tea having been taken) is 4.30pm.

Where the start is delayed until 4.30pm, any further interruptions will result in an abandoned game.

10.3 Overs should be bowled at the rate of 16 overs per hour.

Consequently, 1 hour 15 minutes shall be allowed for an innings of 20 overs duration.

Where the start is delayed to 4.30pm, the cessation time for the 1st innings shall be 5.45pm.

There will be a 10-minute interval between innings.

The 2nd innings shall start at 5.55pm. The completion time for the match shall be 7.10pm.

10.4 The target time for the finish shall be 7.16pm and this time should be used to calculate the remaining overs after a break in play in the second innings.

11. Use of Duckworth Lewis (Standard) in rain affected games.

11.1 In all divisions where weather intervenes after play has commenced in either the 1st or 2nd innings, Duckworth Lewis (Standard) G200 on Play Cricket (DL) will be used to calculate revised scores.

11.2 The home team will be responsible for ensuring that the Play Cricket APP is available for the purpose of calculating DL revised scores. The home team will also be responsible, at the end of each over, for displaying the par score at the end of the forthcoming over and for adjusting this if a wicket should fall.

11.3 Calculations of revised scores will be the responsibility of the scorers with support from Captains and Umpires.

11.4 Where a game ends abruptly in the second innings, at least 20 overs having been completed, DL will provide a “par score” after every ball bowled in the second innings.

This will be a whole number and is intended to reflect where a team should be, given the number of overs used and number of wickets lost.

The actual score and the par score at that point are compared to determine the result.

11.5 Batting Bonus Points will be calculated based on ”revised scores” as calculated by DLS

11.7 In games where Duckworth Lewis is to apply, if there is a delay or an interruption occurs during the second innings of the game, the available overs shall be calculated as a count back from 7.30 pm, using 4 minutes = 1 over, 15 minutes = 4 overs.

If the available overs is less than the expected total for the innings, a revised target should be calculated using Duckworth Lewis.

12 - Extreme Weather Conditions

12.1 Normally both teams must report to the ground before making a decision about the fitness of the ground for play.

However in the event of severe weather conditions when there is NO prospect of the match being played, the match can be called off two and a half hours before the scheduled start without the away team travelling subject to the following conditions:

a) Officials of both teams agree.

b) The weather forecast and the weather conditions are such that the state of the pitch and/outfield means that there would be no chance of the game starting by the latest time allowable by the rules, even if the usual drying methods are employed.

c) The ground is inspected and the decision confirmed by an independent Umpire.

12.2.>Early Inspections. The NWACO shall provide a geographically based list of umpires for clubs to contact for purposes of early inspection.

Alternatively, where travel distances mean that it is not feasible to use one of these umpires, clubs may, prior to the start of the season, agree the names of two suitably qualified and experienced umpires with the Umpires Appointments Secretary of the NWACO.

12.3 The home club must inform the appointed umpires and the Umpires Appointments Secretary of the NWACO. The club must also report the abandonment to the Results Secretary which can be done via www.npcl.play-cricket.com.

12.4 The inspecting umpire must give a brief report of their findings to the Umpires Appointments Secretary of the NWACO.

12.5 The appointed Umpires shall be entitled to their expenses for a void game.

13. Wides

13.1 Any Offside or Leg Side delivery which in the opinion of the Umpire does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score, shall be called a “wide”.

13.2 In the NPCL, for guidance purposes, any ball which passes leg side of the striker and leg side of the wicket, shall be called a wide.

If the striker plays a switch hit or reverse sweep or gets into position to play such a shot, he shall be deemed to bring the ball equally within his reach on the leg side as on the off side.

Consequently, in these situations the 17 inch line will be used on both sides of the wicket to judge a wide ball.

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